Isaac and Ishmael
1. The story of Isaac and Ishmael begins with a promise from God. He tells Abram that he would have a son. Abram believes God, but his wife Sarai doubted God’s promise. Sarai convinced Abram to sleep with her body slave, Hagar, who conceived a son named Ishmael.
Sarai grew jealous of Hagar and exiled her to the desert. While there, Sarai meets God, who tells her to return to Abram and Sarai. God also tells Hagar that Ishmael will become a great and powerful man, a father of nations.
God again meets with Abram, and tells him that Sarai would conceive a son named Isaac. Sarai doubts God once again, since she is past her prime years of childbearing. Sarai becomes pregnant and gives birth.
2. Sarai mistreated her servant. Although Sarai virtually owned Hagar under local customs, she exiled a woman who became pregnant because of Sarai’s actions to an almost certain death in the wilderness.
Abram erred because he wasn’t strong enough to resist his wife’s jealousy. He allowed Sarai to cast Hagar out while she was pregnant with his child. Sarai mistreated Hagar and Ishmael throughout their lives, but Abram didn’t defend them.
3. Sarai, through her mistreatment, and Abram, through his indifference, violate three pillars of social justice. The Life and Dignity of the Human Person is violated, as a pregnant woman is cast into the wilderness. Abram ignores the Call to Family as his unborn son is threatened by death. Sarai mistreats her servant, denying her care and affection, forces her to sleep with a man, and casts Hagar out. Sarai clearly exploits a Poor and Vulnerable Worker.