Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ben and Kayla- Creation Story

1) God created the heavens and the earth, all the plants and animals on it, and, finally, man. He told the man and woman he created, named Adam and Eve, that they would have power over all the creatures of the earth. He also told them, along with all the other creatures on earth, to be fertile and multiply. He finally gave them his only command- do not eat from the tree in the middle of the Garden, or you will die.

Then the serpent told the man and woman that they would not die, but instead they would become as intelligent as God. They both ate the fruit. God called out to Adam and they hid. God found them and realized that they had eaten from the tree. He banished the serpent to crawl on the ground and be seperated from all other creatures. He told the man that because of what he did, thorns and terrible plants will come from the ground. The woman would feel intense pain during child birth. And eventually, the man and woman would die.

2)The devil (serpent) tempted the man and woman, who easily gave in. They broke God's only law- to not eat from the tree. God gave them numerous rights: to rule over all the other animals, to eat from any fruit except the one tree, and to be fertile and have many children. They had only the one responsibility and they failed to uphold their end of the bargain. Thus death and sin were brought into the world.

3)One of the 7 Pillars is to have rights and responsibilities. Many people have these and abuse them, and many others are deprived of them. Adam and Eve were given rights and responsibilities, but they failed to uphold their responsibilties. Therefore God punished them.

4)What we must learn from this is that God is always on our side and that, even though it may be hard, we must strive to do what he asks of us. If we do not the results could be disasterous. Every day we are faced with the temptation to sin, and we must overcome it and do what God asks us. We must fulfill our duty as his people and uphold our responsibility of taking care of the earth and each other.


Deacon Thom said...

Good insight. The story is FULL of images and beneath the images are other truths. You have found a good one residing just beneath the surface where most people never go. I liked the connection to responsibility. It's not one that is mentioned often. Good work.

Kevan O. said...

The idea of responsibility is an aspect of the Creation story that I had never considered. Even in the midst of perfection and beauty we still make mistakes and must pay the consequences for them.

NealRomain said...

I also never thought that responsibility played a role in the creation story. I think that the group explained this story very well.

Daniel said...

This was well done by Ben and Kayla they found the symbolism and tied it in with the 7 pillars

Anonymous said...

i to liked how you brought up responsibility veiw. And the thought that the people that have responsibility abuse them when some people dont even have them.